Friday, 17 July 2009

My Brother's first review, of Spider School

This is my brother's first review on this blog.
He is only little (4) so please don't be mean about his review.

I like this book because it is funny.

In Kate's new school they eat snails, slugs and spiders. I like it because there is a boy called Robbie in the book. Robbie is my name. This book made me go "boo hoo!" It made me say that because I was sad for Kate.

Sunday, 12 July 2009

Lucy's review of Mr Gum and the Goblins.

Hello today a girl from my school called Lucy (who is 6) has written my first guest post. Mr Gum and the Goblins sounds like a good book. I have written a review on a Mr Gum book before (Mr Gum and the Powder Crystals). This is the link to it. Thank you to Lucy!

Mr Gum and the Goblins by Andy Stanton (reviewed by Lucy Ritter)

Hello, my name is Lucy and I am writing about Mr Gum and the Goblins.

Monday, 6 July 2009

Hello - look at Tanya Turek's blog today!

Hello, a few weeks ago, I was interviewed by Tanya, who's from America! She runs a very good children's book review blog and reviews books all the time.

Today she has put the interview on her blog. If you want to see it, please look here:

For any new viewers, welcome to my blog! Here I post book reviews so you can find out about some good books. Please let me know your favourites.

Tanya, thank you so much for interviewing me. I really appreciate it.

Bye Bye.

Happy reading!

Sunday, 5 July 2009

Germ Wars

Hello, today the book that I am reviewing is called Germ Wars, by Gill Arbuthnott.
This book tells you about lots of plagues and diseases that there have been in the world and which still are in the world. It also tells you about antibiotics.
Now I know what Ring a Ring a Roses is really about. Once you find out what it means you can find it a bit scary!

Saturday, 4 July 2009

Fairy Dreams

When Evie’s grandma has a stroke, her family go to stay in her house. Evie sleeps in grandma’s bed, and discovers that it’s a magic one. Fairies can go under the bed into a tunnel which leads to Fairyland, and two fairies visit her.
Evie is worried that her grandma will die and asks the Fairy Queen if she can take her grandma to meet her. They have an adventure which they like a lot, but it can’t last forever.
I got this book as a birthday present and really wanted to read it because it sounded so good when I read the blurb on the back! It really is good and I love it because it’s such fun, and has a fantastic beginning, middle and end.
The author is really good and she makes things very clear, even the sad bits, which nearly make me cry.
I think the author is trying to say that everyone has to die sometime and that anyone can
get a stroke. I didn’t know about strokes before. This book is quite a big book with 214 pages.
I have read it loads of times because it is so good and I truly recommend it to everyone.
I think that people at the ages of 6-9 year olds will like this book the best.